


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Espanda|SA vs S"Winder|SG...(WL)

Squad battle without ldr...

Espanda|SA winning 6-4

Espanda|SA winning 7-4

Espanda|SA won 10-4....nub opponent running with the excuse "g2g"

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Espanda|SA vs -XxXSMKTTDIXxX-

Winning by mission and kills...2-2

Espanda|SA vs Biohazard-[Z]

Winning 2-1

Espanda|SA vs DuskBin

Waiting for DuskBin player switch...

5 seconds to round 1...

Espanda|SA: winning 1-0

Winning 2-1

Espanda|SA vs SNP|CyberDome

Seconds to game begin...

Round 1 : Winning 1-0

ESQ|GamersPro vs Espanda|SA

Squad battle : ESQ|GamersPro vs Espanda|SA
Winning 1-4

SnipeShooTer007...also known as Espanda|SA's squad leader for 6 months...currently 60% kd and ranked 1st Lieutenant 6th grade...Contact SnipeShooTer007 for information and to apply for squad...


Welcome to the official website/blog for Espanda|SA in SuddenAttackSEA.